Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The EuoCrats Trojan Plan

The EuroCrats have a plan--Destroy Greece!

This is what the experts had to say [In today's NY Times].

Policy makers want to put Greece on a path toward reducing  its debt load to just below 100% of its GDP within this decade so it can wean itself off taxpayer bailouts.

The Hope is that much of that reduction would come through revived economic growth.

(They get paid to say things like that.)

This plan has the same academic substance as the "policy" of analysts past.

They supported the 110 Billion Euro bailout for Greece on the assumption that the Greek economy would grow.  Then they recommended imposing sanctions on Greece to punish them because their "assumptions" were wrong.

Next we learn that German Officials are not opposed to increasing the rescue funds power to leverage it's government guarantees.

This sounds like they are not willing to be part of the programme to put money into the rescue fund but will be one of the co-signers on a loan if the fund wants to borrow money to increase its size.  Some ideas don't need any comment.  This is one of them.

The next thing we notice is how the market is responding. (In real life.)

1.  Greek 2-year notes are at 69.7% because investors "concluded" default is inevitable.

2.  Investors worry that the 440 Billion Euro Bailout is Insufficient.

3.  Heavy Bank Investment Resulted in a Heavy Bank-Stock Drop.

"Money is not a substitute for management."--Slim Fairview

Investors invest to make profits.  Not to mitigate losses.  Leveraging the stability fund is analogous to margin buying immediately prior to the crash of '29.

Robert Burns surely knew what he was writing about.  He must have been writing about the EuroCrats.

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

At some point in time, the EuroCrats must realise that the process is not working.  Thus, Change the Process.  However, at some point in time, the Greeks must realise that the process is not working.  When that happens, the resentment and not the debt crisis will spread to Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain et. al.

You cannot see growth in Greece if you make every effort to impede growth and keep the Greek people shackled to poverty by keeping the Greek people shackled to poverty programmes.

That you cannot predict the future is not a proper rebuff to the one who tells you to "get off the tracks, the train is coming".--Slim Fairview

Bon Chance.



Copyright (c) Slim Fairview


Monographs on the Greek Debt Crisis

This is a catalogue of the monographs on solving the EuroCrisis"

In blog fashion, it is in reverse order.  Please read from the bottom up.

Did the EruoCrats Do Something About the Crisis?  Did it work? No?  Don’t do that!
Greece:  Problem? Solution!

Did the EruoCrats Do Something About the Crisis?  Did it work? No?  Don’t do that!
EruoCrats:  It is our policy to fail.

Did the EruoCrats Do Something About the Crisis?  Did it work? No?  Don’t do that!
Can Leadership be learned?  See: EuroCrisis

Did the EruoCrats Do Something About the Crisis?  Did it work? No?  Don’t do that!
EuroCrisis: Hocus Pocus—Focus!

Did the EruoCrats Do Something About the Crisis?  Did it work? No?  Don’t do that!
EuroCrisis Analogy

Sincerest regards,


copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview


Monday, September 26, 2011

TeamWork or a Team?

This is true.  However, witness a football team.

When the Quarterback get the ball from the Center, there is no consensus building. Each member of the team has a job to do.  Each member of the team does his job, not someone else's job.

The Guards guard.  The Tackles tackle.  The QB decides whether to pass, run, or hand the ball off to someone in the backfield.

There is no discussion, shared vision, visioning process, concern about group-think, or consensus building.

There is a goal.  Sometimes things are too obvious for people to see them.

The actions of the QB are based on rapidly changing conditions.  There is no discussion and certainly no committee.

Corporate America has spent Millions on Team Building

And how is it working out for America?

Millions invested....and a vested interest in protecting their turf.

Consensus does not take place in the huddle. Before the huddle, each member of the team has a job to do. That individual responds to the conditions he is confronted with and whatever the QB said in the huddle becomes irrelevant.  More on this in a moment.  After we discuss...


Trust is important.  However, this goes to the underlying basis of that trust.

You may trust me completely, however, if I am a bad football player, an opposing team member will get past me and tackle you. There must be a basis for that trust and in football as in business that basis is the ability to do the job.

Back to the individual having a job to do. His job to do. This is Delegation of Authority. The quarterback does not stand there directing you:  Watch out, watch him, block them.  Again, the delegation of authority is based on the ability of that team member to do that team member's job.

Back to the millions spent by corporations on team building.

America has spent millions, if not billions, over the decades on diet books, get-rich-quick books, and self-help books.  On that basis we should all be skinny, rich, and well-adjusted.  We are not.  We are fat, poor and dysfunctional.  [Well, except perhaps for the people who don't buy diet books, get-rich-quick-books, and self-help books.]

The basis of millions if not billions spent, the credentials of those authors writing those books, and the reception of the public has not justified the pursuit or the expense.

We no longer use the empirical method of scientific inquiry.  Now, we come up with a theory and seek data to support it.  We write a book, prey on gullible people, and use credentials, bogus science, and financial success as compurgation, justification, and validation

Now, how is America doing?  How are the EuroCrats doing?  Perhaps it is time we abandon the Process.  Change the Process.  To start:

Everyone who goes around with consensus on his lips should be boiled in his own pudding....!  The same goes for the word Committee.

If you want team building in your company, buy the book, How to Play Football.  Start a company football team, and build a lot of good will among your employees.  If you want to succeed in business, run your team like the football team on the field.

As Yogi Berra once said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."

Watch what happens on the football field.  That is what is going on in the business world.

If you find anything here to be helpful, please don't hesitate to send me a really tricked out Google Pixelbook and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.  Slim.

Sincerest regards,


Copyright (c) 2011 Bob Asken
All rights reserved.


Greece: Problem? Solution!

Greece has been around a long time.  Greece predates Europe.  The Greek citizen invented the Senate.  The Senate did not invent the Greek citizen.
The current state of affairs in Greece is due, in part to Government ownership--In part.  The other part is the notion that when the Government owns everything, everyone owns everything.  This is the failed Soviet Style of Communism.  The reality is that when everyone owns everything, no one owns anything.
With the Greek Citizen—with no vested interest, there is no interest.
Do you dispute me?  I shall refute you.
How hard is the Greek worker fighting for his benefits?
Very hard.
Because his benefits belong to him.

Privatisation is not a dirty word.
While every plan for Greece has involved a bailout, none has involved any capital investment or economic development.
In a recent NY Times article, “The IMF “traditionally” said cutting budget deficits is the solution to the problem.  Mr. Summers said Mme Lagarde’s reversal is a welcome change in thinking, emphasizing that we should be establishing a basis for growth.”  I assume Mme Lagarde and I are the only two people saying this.  Or, perhaps Mme. Lagarde is the only person reading my blogs.  Madame goes on to say, “…the markets realize that commitment to cut spending cannot survive a lengthy stagnation.”
The best option for Greece (I have a project not a plan.) is a major economic development project that changes the process.
Let us be honest.  The EuroCrats are intelligent, educated, and experienced.  Why then have they failed to solve or even mitigate the damages or ameliorate the problems?  By the process of elimination, the problem is the process.  That must change. In Greek: Δ
The first startling example is that what the EuroCrats are doing to the Greek People can be called “poverty programmes”.  The Greek People need “Prosperity Programmes”.

As an aside, I thought that warning of a move to the “right’ would be a consequence for Greece if the problem can’t be solved soon was an overstatement.  Then I remembered some American political math.  It is analogous.
Dems control Congress + Jimmy Carter = Ronald Reagan.
Dems control Congress + Bill Clinton = Republican turnover in Congress.
Dems control Congress + Barack Obama + Massive GOP turnover in House of Rep.
Okay, I concede.  The Greek people can fix the problem now while it is small (by comparison) or wait till there is a real disaster.  But I digress.
The difference between the aforementioned Soviet Style Communism and Chinese Communism (Aside from the failure of the former and the success of the latter) is China’s Middle Class.
The divestiture of Greece’s State Owned Assets is crucial to the turnaround in Greece.  A limit on foreign ownership of shares in the newly minted, publicly traded companies is also essential.
Some of those assets may include but are not limited to:

With the Greek Citizen owning the asset, the Greek Citizen will have a vested interest in its success.  There will be a profit incentive.
Greece; Influx of Tax Revenue without increasing taxes
Relief from Debt and the crushing interest rates
Benefits of the multiplier effect
Reduction in Lenders: Increase in Investors
Increased Capitalisation of Banks

What has been the alternative so far?

The Greek Government
Raised Taxes
Slashed Pensions
Cut State Salaries
Plans to cut jobs and cut pensions again.
Greece still has problems.  Why?  Because The Greek Government
Raised Taxes
Slashed Pensions
Cut State Salaries.

Someone then told the Government that by lowering wages tax revenues will fall. The Government solution to this was to fire people.  This caused a further decline in revenue.  To address this, the Government increased property taxes on the unemployed and underpaid.  And all of this is the result of Austerity measures imposed on Greece by the EuroCrats who were working to solve the problem.  Call me a flawed human being, but I believe the EuroCrats have failed in their mission.

Union busting will not solve the problem.
Labour strikes will not solve the problem.
Firing people will not solve the problem.
Taxes will not solve the problem.
[No country ever taxed its way to prosperity.  The mantra during the first two years of Bill Clinton’s first term as President of the United States.]

For further information, please read my blogs on the matter.
Bon Chance!

Sincerest regards,


Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

Economic Stimulus:

The Multiplier Effect:

the Future of the G 20 in Good Times and Bad

China: The economy and a word beginning with the letter P

Monday, September 19, 2011

America. Problem? Solutions!

America. Problem? Solution!

Jobs. Okay, here goes.

The difficulty at the moment is the Government is in desperate need of Transparency, Credibility, and Accountability.

A recapitulation of the last stimulus package—which I spoke in favour of until Congress got its hands on it—won’t work. [NB To Congress: Pass the legistlation then sit down and be quiet. The President’s Approval Rating is 36% Your Approval Rating is less than half that.]

In a time of Crisis people look to a leader, not to a committee. The leader need not inspire followers to aspire to greatness. All the leader must do is lead.


The public spending projects need more than cliches, slogans, and platitudes. Thus:

Public Jobs Project:

State: Kansachussetts

County: Milford

Project: Highway Widening

Location: River City to Lesterville

Scope: 30 Miles


Truck Drivers. 22 @ $________/Hour = Total Wages $________

Heavy Eqpt. Ops 17 @ $________/Hour = Total Wages $________

Laborers 43 @ $________ /Hour = Total Wages $________


Equipment Rental:

Road Graders [See Above Example]

Dump Trucks

Bull Dozers



QP _____________Tons @ $/Ton = $______

Asphalt _____________Cubic yards @ $/Yard = $________



Contractor List:

Supply Company List


Now, here is the tricky part. Get rid of the committees. Assign this to an individual who will schedule projects through the structure indicated in the PowerPoint Presentation Global Management: A shift in the paradigm of corporate America http://www.slideshare.net/slimfairview/global-management-5415780

In this presentation, I drew out the structure for management necessary to accomplish goals. Implement it.

[There is more, but I am as impatient as every other American.]

Housing. Okay, here goes.


Banks are stuck with inventory. They will be stuck with more inventory. This is dead wood on the ledger books.

For the soon to be foreclosed.

Rewrite the mortgages with a monthly payment rate that is affordable. In order to mitigate losses, add a balloon payment 5, 6, or 7 years out. I.e. 2017, 2018, 1019.

For the already foreclosed. Put them up for sale before the house deteriorates. On Financing. Please see abolve. If you need legislative assistance for tax credits and other advantages, use your lobbying muscle. There is no shame in using your power for good and not for evil.

Energy. Okay, here goes.


The embarrassing collapse of Green Energy Corporation of Kansashusetts underscores what I’ve already said, “Money cannot replace management.” The Quotations of Slim Fairview.

You may not like the politics, or the snarky remarks, but those who gravitate toward Green Energy also embrace: visioning process; shared vision; avoiding group think; there is no I in team; and consensus building. [Op cit Slim’s Views on Committees.]

Consensus building is group think built by a consultant.

Memo to Big Oil.

Just as the auto industry and the oil industry were once very cozy—until the gas crisis and Americans began buying foreign cars, resulting in American auto makers switching over to fuel efficient cars [read: electric] the same principle now applies to energy. [There is a sentence in there somewhere—some assembly required.]

Hey, BIG OIL, use your power for good. [And, of course, for a profit ;-)] Invest your obscene profits in Green Energy. Or, Clean Energy. Or Alternative Energy. Then, run these subsidiaries “as a business”, not as an empowerment and dignity festival.

Before the energy industry betrays you as the auto industry betrayed you, get ahead of the curve. Again, if you need tax incentives [and I support tax incentives for your efforts in the Green Energy Field] flex your lobby muscles. I am certain Senator Bilgewater (Kansachusetts) will introduce legislation to reward you merrily for your efforts.

There is more: Foreign Policy. Food. Pharmaceuticals. Education. Publishing. Etc. However, I too would like to be paid.

Just a hint:

Read my blogs:



And my PowerPoint presentations:


Specially, The Future of the G 20 in Good Times and Bad


Sincerest regards,


Caveat, Disclaimer, Claimer, and much, much more:

The Side Street Journal: Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview. Read my stuff today or hear it from experts in a month or two. Slim

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview

Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com/ Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends. Thank you.

Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

PS. I am not Paul Harvey. However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you find anything I say to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note. Thank you.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rogue Traders and Resumes

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Rogue Trader Loses $2,000,000,000 Now, I was going to apply for that job, but I didn't really think I was qualified.

The Side Street Journal:  Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview.  Read my stuff today or hear it from experts in a month or two. Slim

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com/  Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.

Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you find anything I say to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.  Thank you.


Faculty Advisers and HR Managers

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? Faculty Advisor: "Get a good night’s sleep before the interview. You want to be alert and focused."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? Faculty Advisor: "Be certain to ask interesting questions about the company."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? Faculty Advisor: "In the interview, sit up straight. Look at the HR. Manager. Speak Clearly. Smile"

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? Faculty Advisor: "Make sure your shoes are polished. Your shirt is pressed. Wear a clean tie."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? Faculty Advisor: "Make sure you have two copies of your resume. And Proofread them first."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "Yes, but do you have any actual experience working as a Rogue Trader?"

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "We don't take applications here. You must log onto our company website."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "Did you play any sports while you were in High School?"

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "I see you switched majors in your junior year. Would you like to share that with us?"

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "You have a nice resume, however, to be completely honest, we feel you are overqualified

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "You have nice credentials, but we're looking for someone with a background in sales."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "We see you have 5 years of college but no degree? First finish your degree then reapply

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "Please explain all periods of unemployment. Use a separate sheet if necessary."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Are you qualified to be a Rogue Trader? HR Manager: "Would you like to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond?"

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Rogue Banker Loses $2,000,000,000 Now, I was going to apply for that job, but I didn't really think I was qualified.



Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday 3 September 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com/  Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.

Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you find anything I say to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.  Thank you.


Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have a question. If EuroCrats Use money to bailout Greece, Spain, Italy, won't that reduce money supply in the EuroBanks ?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Safe Haven Bonds Down. Junk Bonds Up. How is anyone to tell the difference? Gives new meaning to the word dumpster diving, eh?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Canada, Slovenia, Taiwan, Germany, Latvia, Ukraine visited sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com Thank you. Sincerely, Slim PS. Anyone Curious Why?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
SEC Gets Court Order 2 Halt Alleged Fraud. Remember when fraud was a crime? IT IS MORE COST EFFECTIVE TO SUE THAN TO INCARCERATE.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
SEC Gets Court Order 2 Halt Alleged Fraud. Remember when fraud was a crime? IT IS MORE EFFECTIVE TO SUE THAN TO INCARCERATE.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
PS. My accountant's cat said no.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
New Tax Shelter. Get your Cat's Head shot taken. Send it 2 casting directors. Declare him an actor. Write off his expenses. [My cat's idea]

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Jason Zweig. Why Levies on High Speed Trading Won't Work. Hey, everyone, you know we're going to have to take his word for it. Right?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
We know it. We accept it. We ignore it. Then: U.S. Population 150,000,000. Now: U.S. Population 300,000,000. Surprise.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: World can feed itself if we don't burn food for fuel. Son of a gun. That guy has been reading my tweets. Whadda ya know.......

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
New Tokyo Leader chooses cabinet. In Japan, that is a good thing. On Capitol Hill that generally means expensive furniture.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
New Libya Leaders Are Leading. Right now they are leading the fight for freedom. Give them a moment before they create a new government.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
A New Visitor to slimviews.blogspot.com MALTA !!! WELCOME, MALTA. Thank you. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
1776 Bunker Hill 2011 Capitol Hill. In 1776 We had help from the French and The Germans. They Bailed out... fb.me/1hMLjYnL4

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
1776 BUNKER HILL! 2011 CAPITOL HILL. 1776 We had help from The French & The Germans. They bailed out Greece. Maybe.........

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@LeaderChat Not on Capitol Hill they don't.

VeteranJobs Veteran Jobs
by Slimfairview
Military News: Fear still lingers in Okla. on 9/11 anniversary: OKLAHOMA CITY — Before Sept. 11, there... bit.ly/qjI9JI #military

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Kick the can down the road, grownup in the room, plant the flag, full faith & credit, Debt Crisis, JobsJobsJobs. Anyone say anything new?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@seattletimes Senator Bilgewater of my home state of Kansachusetts Declaims, "I volunteer to be the grownup in the room". I feel much better

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Please add Canada & France to the visitors of slimviews.blogspot.com Maybe they are sincere about solving the EuroCrisis. Maybe not. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Russia Googles Slim Fairview # 1 slimviews перевод Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview. For Monographs on The Middle... fb.me/IlmcLjbP

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Turkey, Saudi Arabia hold the key to Syrian Solution. When that happens, other nations will be left out of the loop. slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/syria-…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Global Competition for A List Brands. Man U chooses Singapore 4 IPO. My cat, Trygg is an Arsenal Fan. Still, he toilet papered the bathroom

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
BofA taking steps to narrow its focus. I guess that means they will be going back into the banking business. What a clever and novel idea.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
My Novel (Sample, Query) Almost 50 hits over night. Okay, if you are an Agent or an Editor, please contact me. slimfairview@yahoo.com

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
My Screenplay. 193 Hits on SlideShare. Okay...If you are an agent or a producer, please contact me. slimfairview@yahoo.com Thank you. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
If Business and consumers are hoarding cash because they lack confidence, why not offer some assurances on spending? Large Scale!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
President picks economist to head WH council of economic advisers. (To replace an economist? I think I'm beginning to see the problem.)

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
President picks economist to head WH council of economic advisers. (To replace an economist? I think I'm beginning to see a pattern.)

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Slim Fairview's Four Rules of Communication: PRECISION. CONCISION. ENUMERATE. SPECIFY. (Please see GOP below.) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
IS THERE A GOP CANDIDATE WITH A JOBS PLAN? Please see Slim Fairview's Four Rules of Communication above. Thank you. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Jersey Troopers wade into Floodwaters. MAYBE THAT IS WHY THEY ARE CALLED TROOPERS. KUDOS TO YOU ALL. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
NewsCorp adds outsider to board to deflect criticism of Corporate Governance. Same process new faces. Perhaps it is systemic?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
US Housing Regs sue banks saying they didn't tell Fannie & Freddie about the risks. Don't Fannie & Freddie have financial experts 4 that?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
West Questions Rebels Ability to Govern. Give them a chance to set up a government. Remember, you might not their style of government!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
EU Syrian Protest. Did you tell them? They might not know. Maybe a petition or something will help. Syria: The Solution slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/syria-…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
EU Bans Syrian Oil in Protest. Did you tell them about it? They might not know. Maybe a petition or something will help.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
UN Nuke Agency Concerned about Iran & Nuke Weapons. Why? They are just going to wait until we let our nuclear power plants wipe us out.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
President Obama asks EPA to quash a rule. Pro business move could help business. Will it? Let Big Oil & Gas Prove that it will!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
France & Germany have been hitting on my blog slimviews.blogspot.com. Please tell me they are looking for a solution to the EuroCrisis. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Brazil, Australia, Malaysia, Germany, UK, India, Russia visited slimviews.blogspot.com. Thank you. Slim. [And have you?]

VeteranJobs Veteran Jobs
by Slimfairview
Job Opening - Nurse Educator - RN - Critical Care: NY-New York City, Making it Possible NewYork-Presbyteri... bit.ly/oZPssM #jobs

Sincerest regards,


RR #2
Route 390
Cresco, PA 18326

Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

Friday, September 2, 2011

2 September 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com/  Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.

Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you find anything I say to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.  Thank you.


Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have arrived. teavera.com/oolong-tea.html Nothing to do with the tea party folks. It's about tea. Lapsang Souchong anyone?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Understanding Economic Stimulus by Metaphor. slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/06/econom…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Well, at least 621 people understand the multiplier effect. slideshare.net/slimfairview/t…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
US Companies must be desperate to go global anyway. slideshare.net/slimfairview/g… A shift in the paradigm of Corporate America. 532 Hits. ;-) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Global Analysts must be worried about the future. slideshare.net/slimfairview/t… My SlideShare--Future of the G 20 in Good Times & Bad. Slim 867 Hits

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
My Marketing Strategy is Working -- Almost slideshare.net/slimfairview/a… 169 Hits on my Screenplay Query

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
My Marketing Strategy is Working -- Almost slideshare.net/slimfairview/c… 160 Hits on my Novel Query.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@KimAuclair Now how do I get them to work with me?

KimAuclair Kim Auclair
by Slimfairview
“You’ll never go wrong when you work with someone smarter than you.” (Tibor Kalman) http://ow.ly/6gb4o

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
"Early to bed and early to rise does not make you Ben Franklin." The Quotations of Slim Fairview (c) 2011 Slim Fairview ;-) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
"If you want to turn an enemy into a friend, ask him to do you a favour." Ben Franklin. US Ambassador to France. [A long time ago.]

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@capflowwatch Two of those are mine. Don't get them mixed up.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Please Add Brazil and UK to the list of visitors to slimviews.blogspot.com Thank you, please visit again. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
lnkd.in/QFWrnz Resistance to change as now gone from cliche to slogan to platitude and back again. Young people, armed with...

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
slimviews: America V. China: The Diplomacy Wars slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/americ…

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Warner Costume Department. 12,480 modern men's ties. I bet they still don't have 3 ties I like.

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An Old Chinese Saying: "A White Horse is Not A Horse."

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Chinese Wisdom "In the West, when you want privacy, you go into a locked room. In the East, when we want privacy, we go into an open field."

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Hostess Hires Advisers. I like the cupcakes. Don't screw it up. Okay!

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Did anyone find hidden promo in my Scottish Liberation Tweet? You don't win anything, but you don't have 2 give out personal info online.

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WSJ: Opinion Article. BioEthics. Phil Donahue covered that on his show 40 years ago. He couldn't come up with an answer either.

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Money for Clean Energy. Okay, just one caveat. MONEY CAN'T REPLACE MANAGEMENT. Clean energy needs managers, not nurturers.

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WSJ: Libyan spy machine. Photo of abandoned offices. Now I know where my briefcase disappeared to.

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Low Consumption dampens Irish Growth Hope. You used to Export a Great Steak & Kidney Pie--in a tin, open, bake, serve, eat, remember? Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
The News: President 2 deliver speech on the economy. Hey Molière, wait till he delivers the speech before talking about it. Please see below

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Perry's Job Creation Funds Draw Flack from Left & Right. You see, he is depolarizing nation and bringing people together. ;-)

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Molière's Bourgeois Anchorman. All these years I thought I was merely reporting the news, only to learn that I've been speaking journalism.

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[FIND HIDDEN PROMO:] Brits Ramp up Campaign v. Scottish Independence. WILL THE FACEBOOK REVOLUTION COME TO SCOTLAND? Glen, live it up

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Taiwan Presidential Candidate Favours Developing Better Ties with China. Apparently Tea Party means something entirely different in Asia.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
China Expands Economic and Political Ties across Africa. US concerned. Uh, Uncle Sam....they started doing that a bit over 20 years ago.

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I stand corrected! UK authorities charge two more in online activist group called, Anonymous. (Please see diplomatic cables below. Slim)

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Remember when Diplomatic Cables were boring stuff? Or was it that the British were too polite to read other people's mail?

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Winky Link confirms security breach losing control of cache of US DiploCables. See? Even Winky Link has Security Problems.

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"Ad loc, ad hoc, quid pro quo. So little time, so much to know." Jeremy Hilary Boob. Sorry. I just find that amusing. ;-) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Nuke Regulatorss want plants to asses ability to withstand a quakes. I feel so relieved. I will let you in on a secret. Shh. SOLAR POWER!!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Read my stuff today, or hear it from experts in a month or two. Please see, "TURKEY -- RADAR DEAL" below. Thank you. Slim

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TURKEY - RADAR DEAL - I TOLD YOU TURKEY IS A MAJOR INFLUENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. But don't listen 2 me. Everyone always doesn't listen 2 me.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Local Rescue Teams in N/E say they aren't getting enough Fed Support 4 Efforts. & there is an election coming up. Who said Mayor Lindsay?

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World Leaders meet to Support Libya Rebels. 63 NATIONS! See? Who but Gadhafi could bring that many world leaders to an agreement?

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Wonder Bread Hires restructure advisers. I've eaten Wonder Bread. Never had a Twinkie. Go upscale. Bake Brioche. Lux Market Sales Are Up.

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Amazon Deal IN California. Create jobs exchange for no internet taxes. Great Idea except that Jerry Brown is Governor.

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Greece has been around over 3,000 years. Surely Greek people can draw upon that much history to come up with a Greek Solution to the problem

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H-P Recent Strategy. Result. Corporate Customers put Purchases on Hold. Make me CEO. I can make same bad decisions, but make better excuses.

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There are no such things as unintended consequences. Only unwanted consequences. (c) Quotations of Slim Fairview Please see H-P above.

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The only thing worse than the economic outlook? The efforts made globally to solve the problem. Reminds me of our Pop-Warner Football QB

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@VeteranJobs Job picture is awful. Even more so for Vets. And Female Vets. The country forgot the word: PRIORITIES!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Reminds me of a guy on the econ/ dev. committee. He thought we should build shipping crates in our barns--cottage industry. It may happen.

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@capflowwatch I never heard of UNsez. Are they a new brilliant forecasting organisation?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
HOUSING! 1 Stop Foreclosures 2 Rewrite mortgages with lower payments 3 Extend mortgage length 4 Add Balloon Payment due in 2017. Ya Think?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
HOUSING? 1 Stop Foreclosures 2 Rewrite mortgages with lower payments 3 Extend mortgage length 4 Add Balloon Payment due in 2017. Ya Think?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
HOUSING: 1 Stop Foreclosures 2 Rewrite mortgages with lower payments 3 Extend mortgage length 4 Add Balloon Payment due in 2017. Ya Think?

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FED PUSHES BofA on measure it could take if conditions worsen. Are they looking for hints or taking the spotlight off themselves?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
And New Zealand. Thank you.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Canada, Slovenia, Germany, Latvia, Taiwan Thank you for visiting sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Russia, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Sweden, Canada, Singapore, Indonesia, Ireland. Thank you for visiting slimviews.blogspot.com

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@ChrisHusong Thank you for the follow. Please visit and (?) follow my blogs. sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com et.al. Thanks again. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@HuaHinBikeTours Thanks 4 the follow. Please visit & (?) follow slimviews.blogspot.com & sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@SpouseCentrals Thank you for the follow. I am grateful for your interest. Sincerely, Slim slimviews.blogspot.com & eventhecatwinks.blogspot.com

Sincerest regards,


RR #2
Route 390
Cresco, PA 18326

Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1 September 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com  Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.


Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@VeteranJobs Thank you. And, Thank you. Oh, yeah, and Thank you. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Slimviews--open group on Facebook. You can post a comment by emailing to this link: globalanalysis@groups.facebook.com Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview

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Switzerland slashes stimulus package. Whoever thought a strong currency would be a bad thing?

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Paris Conference, so far so good, 2 fund reconstruction with frozen funds [better & better], now, who will hang the bell on the cat's neck?

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WSJ: Extensive Waster Found in War Contracting, Study Finds. What kind of Waste? Funding Studies 2 learn there's waste in govt. contracting?

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Drug Firms Agree to pay higher fees to FDA & continue to fund expansion of drug approval. [Didn't they used to call that a bribe?]

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Romney Changes Course. Looks to appeal to T-Party and...uh, what? Perry has the T-Party vote. Romney needs the ROA vote to get elected.

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Presidential Speech in the News. Why not wait until he delivers the speech to report the news? You know, when there actually is news?

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WSJ: Italian Austerity-Plan Drama. Europe suffering from crisis of Austere Proportions. Any Capital Investment & Growth Plans lying around?

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The Critics: Beijing Stifles Innovation Research. Companies Prefer India. (Not the US?) Maybe Beijing thinks of it as outsourcing. We do.

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The Critics: Beijing Stifles Innovation Research. Companies Prefer India. (Not the US? Why not? Do we stifle innovation research? )

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@capflowwatch May I have a bailout to keep me solvent? Please? ;-)

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Argentina Plans Ahead. Looking 2 Limit foreign ownership of Argentine Farmland. Why does this seem like a Good Idea? Maybe because it is?

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Thailand Steps 4 Growth Criticised by Economists. Are these critics the same economists who successfully failed to solve problems elsewhere?

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WSJ: EuroCrats want to help Libya to rebuild. Libyans Reply: Whoopee!

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Legal Industry continues consolidating. Is that the same thing as retrenching? [I'm not a real lawyer--I just play one in court.]

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Solar Panel Maker Files for Bankruptcy even with Government Support. 1. Money doesn't replace management. 2. You need CONSUMER SUPPORT.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@capflowwatch Did Goldman say what the EuroBanks should do after that?

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Exxon to Drill in Arctic North of Russia. Alaska is relieved. Wait? Which end of Russia?

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Just out of curiosity, what is Germany doing that has its economy in such good shape? Message to other EuroNations. Do that.

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EuroBank Buys Italian Bonds to bring down borrowing costs. Okay, now what do they do with the money they borrow? Economic Development?

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German Economy shows signs of resilience, prompting analysts to reassure everyone that Germany is not effected by debt crisis--WE'RE DOOMED!

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Goldman Predicts Gloomy Outlook. Tells Clients how to profit from it. Gotta love those guys, eh?

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@MartinGreif They're always doing stuff like that. Maybe nobody noticed, but the Russian Revolution 2.0 happened without Social Media!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
More Canada hits than US. More Cat Lovers, eh? Even the Cat Winks =^.~= (c) Slim Fairview: Petty Fours and Galoshes eventhecatwinks.blogspot.com/2011/05/petty-…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
More Canada Hits than US. More cat lovers, eh? Even the Cat Winks =^.~= (c) de Trygg: Eminence Grise or Enfant Terrible eventhecatwinks.blogspot.com/2011/05/de-try…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@LeaderChat Ask open ended questions. Repeat the answer. Compliment the employee. Ask for more information.

Sincerest regards,


PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you’ve found anything I said to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.



RR #2
Route 390
Cresco, PA 18326

Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview