Apple is pursuing gadgets when content will prevail.
"Content is the new technology" The quotations of Slim Fairview.
Google (owns the Android market) and will pursue content to go with tablets, and may even buy into my suggestion of teaming up with Facebook to leverage 1 billion users globally--heretofore suggested as a possible Apple strategy.
Alas, not to be.
Google can handle Big Data! If i-TV were to have prevailed....or even i-Radio, ponder about this:
Every radio station plays its own programming. Jazz, Blues, Talk, Sports, but every radio plays all the stations.
With Apple's boutique statues, is like the old cassette or a CD. You can only hear what you buy, what you play!
App writers will go for the Global Gold--and go with Google, while Apple will appeal to the boutique crowd. You heard the comment about innovation, no doubt.
Keep those fancy gadgets coming.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Slim Fairview
If you find anything here to be helpful, please do not hesitate to send me a really tricked-out laptop and to put a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note. Slim
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