Saturday, December 11, 2021

Artistic Freedom

To write, paint, dance, sculpt, compose
without financial constraints & with
neither the need to nor the desire to expose
your work to view or review for validation or
remuneration or for critical or commercial success.

Edison invented the phonograph and developed
the lightbulb by candlelight.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
without calling tech support.**

Steve Jobs invented the Apple computer without
benefit of an Apple computer.

The Wright Brothers invented the airplane with
neither help nor hindrance from the FAA.

In 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner, founder of vaccinology,
invented the small pox vaccine with no hindrance
from the FDA or the NIH.

Creativity comes from unfettered artistic freedom.

Best wishes,


You Can't Fool the Lion
The Quotations of Slim Fairview
Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved

Robert Asken
Box 33
Pen Argyl, PA 18072

** Recent information cites Antonio Meucci as the inventor of the telephone.