Friday, June 24, 2011

The Side Street Journal Friday 24 June 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview

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Slimfairview Did I mention how much I like Leer, Crystal Clear Ice? Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
A Brand New Visitor to Who is it? Iraq. Welcome!! Thank you. Sincerest regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Is it a bribe or is it special fee? Ding dong. Avon Calling. ["Do you have any free samples?"]

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
OK, here's the plan: Raise corporate taxes, companies move offshore, tax revenue falls, raise taxes, companies move off shore, revenues fall

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Records reveal Bin Laden had concerns about Public Relations problems. Ya think?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
China suggest buying Euro Debt. I believe that is called an investment strategy. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Forget the Jet, Ride the Rails. Do I ever remember the train from D.C. to Penn Station. ALL ABOARD. Ah, Monsieur Poirot! Bienvenu.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
US slaps sanctions on Iran Airline for moving weapons. You mean, no pat downs? No metal detectors?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
GOP pulls out of deficit talks. People part ways because: a.) One person moves. or because b.) The other person doesn't!!! Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Yahoo Chairman says board supports CEO Bartz and her team. Was there doubt? Oops!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Supreme Court rules for pharmaceuticals. Are they gathering my personal information or sales data? Sales Data. Okay, guys, no problem. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Nader wants Cisco 2 boost dividend 2 fend off shareholder revolt. Also wanted 2 cut military in half because cold war was over. Thanks Ralph

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Regulators to Euro Banks. Take into account--investing in government may cause you to lose money. Uh, yeah. And...?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
EU austerity imposition on Greece? Is it too much cutting, too fast, too soon? Nothing like a last minute scramble to create problems.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Surprise oil move. Stock prices down. I would accuse govt. of insider trading but politicians make $$ old fashioned way. Election donations

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
You can't be elected on the basis of dropping oil demand due to a poor economy, so release 60 million barrels of oil & claim victory!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Andy Warhol. For now, the world releases 15 minutes worth of oil into the market.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
World release of 60 million barrels of oil blamed for drop in oil prices. It couldn't be the drop in global demand could it? Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
In the absence of protecting consumers & businesses from hackers, the fed is poised 2 investigate Google on ads. oh boy! Thanks a lot, Fed

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Fed Launches Probe of Google. If there is anything you feel you need to know, just Google it. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Bulger fled per FBI informant tip off. What are the Pakistanis to think when Congress accuses Pakistan of aiding wanted persons? Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Foreign Affairs Magazine or Slimviews: The Impending Failure of Western Diplomacy in the ...… Thank you. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Foreign Affairs Magazine The Middle East or slimviews: Osama Bin Laden Hiding in Plain Sight Cite… Thank you. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Foreign Affairs Magazine. "Afghanistan" or Slimviews: The Middle East. Problem? Solution!… Thank you. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Australia, Canada, India, Germany, Ukraine visited Thank you, please feel invited to follow. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Canada, Australia, Estonia, Romania visited Thank you, Please feel invited to follow. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@BBCScotlandNews Thank you for the follow. Please follow me at & Thank you, Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@darkol2002 Hi, I received your message. I didn't post anything about you on that site. I cannot access that site. I'm blocked from it. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@darkol2002 I just checked out the link 2 site you sent me in your message. I cannot access that site & I don't know what it is. Slim

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Sincerest regards,


PS.  I am open to working as a paid blogger, commentator, or columnist. 

If anyone finds my view on matters here or on  to be helpful, please do not hesitate to send me one of those tricked out Mac laptops (and to add a few  bucks to the envelope with the thank you note.)



Copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview

All Rights Reserved.

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