Wednesday, August 13, 2014



“The military option is no longer viable” ~ Slim Fairview

“The Economic zero-Sum Game is no longer viable.” ~ Slim Fairview.

"Americide is not analogous to homicide.  Americide is analogous to suicide." ~ Slim Fairview.

Both having been said before leads us to a better understanding of what is happening and, by extension, what will happen.  Call it “Que Sera” if you will.

In previous articles outlined two important moves that portend a shift in the path of the trajectory for the global economy.

Mr. Putin’s Economic Theatre of Operation

Emerging Nations Economic Unions

By my definition, Emerging Nations are those enduring a low GDP, unstable food supply, and that are being exploited by industrialized nations.  Nations that are being kept shackled to poverty by being kept shackled to poverty programmes.

Now, it would appear that some people actually have been reading my blogs.

Recently, BRIC nations plus South Africa announced the formation of a Global Development Bank.  This news was being reported in July.  This is what I wrote about in February and March.

While these nations may be at variance with my definition of Emerging Nations, I must concede I did say it is up to each nation to choose to define itself as such.  With this announcement, China Russia, India and Brazil and now South Africa appear to have done so.

I want to believe that their leaders read my blog and embraced Slim’s Admonition.

"The Economic Zero-Sum Game isn’t going to work anymore."

If you go back a few years, you will have read another of my admonitions.  The world is evolving into Power Centres.

The Asian Power Centre

The Middle Eastern Power Centre

The African Power Centre

The Latin American Power Centre

The European Power Centre

The North American Power Centre

These power centres are now forming around economic interests. Or, more to the point, Economic Survival.  Soon, Economic potency.

Where does that leave us?

Remember China before Nixon’s overture in Asia Major?  Isolationist.  And the Global Economy functions.  Now, some 40 years later, China is the second largest and fastest growing economy on the planet.

Fun with numbers.

Rule of 72. A metaphor

China growth = 8%   [ 72 ÷ 8 = 9 ]  

US growth = 2%  [ 72 ÷2 = 36]

By way of metaphor, China’s economy doubles in 9 years, the US economy doubles in 36 years.  Hold that thought.

What happens when the rest of the world decides it does not need the US economy?

Remember when I said, “The haves are increasing arithmetically: the have nots are increasing geometrically.”?

What happens when the newly defined Emerging Nations begin leading the other Emerging Nations toward earning a bigger piece of the Pie?  Toward claiming their rightful share of the pie?  In addition, less reliance on the American Markets for Revenue and less reliance on the US for necessities.

The Chinese consumer will replace the US consumer.  Remember, China has a population of 1.3 Billion people.  China Elevated 500 million people from poverty to the middle class.  The US has only 300 million consumers.

If China can do that for 500 million Chinese people, then 500 million Chinese people can do that for 500 million or more people around the globe.

Rising Chinese affluence will create a growing market for growing global economies.  This will elevate many of the have nots to the level of the haves.

India: The quantity of food that rots on the vine due to the lack of infrastructure will diminish.  India has a new Prime Minister. This presages the possibility of reforms to build the necessary infrastructure to increase the quantity of food available.

In addition, developing agricultural resources will make emerging nations less beholden to America’s Bread Basket.  The Rust Belt speaks to that.

With the US achieving energy independence, the demand for foreign oil won’t be the real issue.  The real issue is the diminishing reliance on the American market.  If we don’t buy it, other nations will.   

Alliances will—well, I said it before:

“It is a universal condition: we refuse to accept that all alliances and enmities are transitory.” ~ Slim Fairview  The Quotations of Slim Fairview © 2014

"But don't bother listening to me. Everyone always doesn't listen to me." ~ Slim Fairview

Warmest regards,


Copyright © 2014  Robert Asken as Slim Fairview
All rights reserved.