Chess. Checkers. Chinese Checkers. Judo. AI.
My Dad taught me to play chess when I was 11 years old.
With no one to play with, it was a skill that went fallow.
When the Fischer-Spassky Match went viral, I was a
Freshman at The Hall. All my friends brought in
Chess sets. At first, I beat them all. Then they
read books on Chess, and I couldn't win a match.
I prefer Checkers to Chess. And Chinese Checkers to
In Chess: You kill or capture your opponent's
In Chinese Checkers, you move your pieces from
one side of the board to the other.
one side of the board to the other.
Peace. Victory. And no bloodshed.
Now I play Scrabble. Against a computer. What a leap
forward for me.
Now I play Scrabble. Against a computer. What a leap
forward for me.
Many times I would play the letters I had,
not the letters I wish I had.
not the letters I wish I had.
Hence, I might play, "jaconet".
The word is playable. Who knew? I took a guess with the
letters I had. My opponent, the computer, confirmed the
word. Something not possible with the old board & tile game.
I used my opponent's strength against them.
The principles of Judo. The Gentle Way....& using your opponent's force to defeat him. The way I use the computer's knowledge against it.
I seldom lose at Online Scrabble, racking up high scores.
Thank you AI for providing the victory against you.
Best wishes,
Box 33
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
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