Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday 14 June 2011

 Commentary on Global Business and Political Events by Slim Fairview

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
NYC 50% Increase in Summer School Students. There's never enough time to do it right, but always enough time to do it over. Slim

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WSJ: Retirement plans make a comeback. (Sure, now that people can't afford to retire.)

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Corn Prices Higher. This will be felt at the pump. Drive to the park for a picnic or have corn on the cob at home. You can't do both. Slim

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WSJ fails in attempt at humour: "Banks are Greece's Achilles' Heel."

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Now that the experts have worked together 2 ruin Greek bond rating, they are contrite & will help fix the problem. Thank you. (We're Doomed)

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Court Rules Janus not liable 4 Prospectus statements; This is not an opinion which can be made only by prospectus. Void where prohibited.

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Nestle talks emerging markets. I can't even find a Nestle bar without the crunchy stuff. Are they really doing a great job in marketing?

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China Invests in Saab. The Middle Class market in China is huge. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
How 2 Sell more Gypsum 2 do-it-yourself guys. Put a grid on the sheets 2 help match the boards 2 the projects. Where 2 cut for that window.

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If Wallboard maker USG can't sell Gypsum for new construction, try selling Gypsum board for home upgrades. Slim

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Daily Deals Rescue Local-Ad Market. There is money to be made in Advertising. For both Advertisers & Businesses. Read WSJ: Regards, Slim

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New Bond Novel: Let's reminisce about Fleming. I read the Autobiography of Ian Flemming. Great Stuff. Bond Books are better than Bond Films.

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Italians Vote 2 Abandon Nuclear Energy: Is it what the Germans did or what I said that motivated the move. I would like to think the latter.

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WSJ: IMF Narrows field to two candidates. WRONG! IMF Opens field--Wide Open--to two candidates. Elect the French Woman. L-A-G-A-R-D-E! Slim

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Egypt rejects US Democracy Funding. Big difference between Western Government and Western Freedom. We have to learn that. Slim

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Hackers Breach Senate Website, but not its computer network. They no doubt fell asleep before they got around to that. Slim

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Biden deficit bunch meets: How to wring savings from Medicare? Have everyone on the panel bring his own box lunch. (Op. Cit. Martha Stewart)

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Supreme Court: Nevada legislators can't vote on matters when they have a personal interest. How about if they have a business interest? Slim

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House Democrats prepare to talk about whether to talk about Weiner or not to talk about Weiner. Is that the question? Let's talk about it.

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Syrian Refugees: Tactical retreat across border to Turkey. Wait for the second shoe to fall.

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@ GOP. If Obama is extreme left, the opposite is not extreme right. The opposite is extreme moderate. Grab the middle or lose the election.

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Pawlenty? I hope I have the right guy--Either say, "Obamney Care" to Mitt's face or take back what you said. Plain and simple. Slim

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How can anyone elect Ron Paul when he won't even play by the same rules his colleagues played by during a debate. Does he ever stop ranting?

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Rick Santorum: I can say this. At least there is no rambling at Rick's Place. Slim

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Saw the debates. Here's what I learned. Ron Paul is not running for president. He just wants a platform to vent.

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Saw the GOP Debates. Ho hum. Stayed awake almost to the end. Slim (The cat fell asleep before I did and he's a Reagan Republican.) Slim

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Scott's Miracle-Gro marketing to medical marijuana growers. Let me guess: they stopped selling weed-killer. ;-) Regards, Slim

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Wendy sells Arby's? Will private investors be selling Roast Beef Sandwiches? If they do, I do believe they will make it profitable. Slim

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VF Buys Timberland. Hopes 2 Squeeze more profits. Now there's a plan. VF? Are they the guys who bought Majestic & allegedly screwed it up?

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DISASTER CONTROL: The IMF trying to explain not electing Christine Lagarde. Regards, Slim

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IMF Still wallowing in the appearance of substance. Elect the French Woman! L-A-G-A-R-D-E Have your excuses ready if you fail to elect her?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
S&P Cuts Greek Bond Ratings over negotiations Among the Talk talk talk bunch of global finance. Kudos 2 the experts 4 their help :-( Slim

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