Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Global Economic Crisis Arrives

 To quote World Economic Forum

"History shows that 40 years of neoliberal economic policy has led to growth – but it's come at the cost of rising inequality and a planet in the midst of a climate crisis."

This seems to be an admission of Guilt. Culpability.

Take out the linguistic legerdemain & you have

"Neoliberal economic policy led to rising inequality

& global warming crisis."

& you boast it

& are proud of it

In the West [Read US] the words

Inclusion, diversity, dignity, empowerment, sustainability,

are words used in a campaign of exploitation

The migrant crisis in the US leads to wrong question,

What are we going to do with the migrants?

The question should be what are we going to do for the migrants?

There are no plans for Education, training, Jobs, Inclusion.

As Merkel exploited the migrants for two purposes

Cheap Labour for Germany

Crush economies of satellite nations in Southern Europe

The migrants in the US are being exploited to disrupt

Cities, Housing, Education, & Health Care.

Evil minds sowing misery with sweet words & false promises.



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Pen Argyl, PA 18072


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