Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The EuoCrats Trojan Plan

The EuroCrats have a plan--Destroy Greece!

This is what the experts had to say [In today's NY Times].

Policy makers want to put Greece on a path toward reducing  its debt load to just below 100% of its GDP within this decade so it can wean itself off taxpayer bailouts.

The Hope is that much of that reduction would come through revived economic growth.

(They get paid to say things like that.)

This plan has the same academic substance as the "policy" of analysts past.

They supported the 110 Billion Euro bailout for Greece on the assumption that the Greek economy would grow.  Then they recommended imposing sanctions on Greece to punish them because their "assumptions" were wrong.

Next we learn that German Officials are not opposed to increasing the rescue funds power to leverage it's government guarantees.

This sounds like they are not willing to be part of the programme to put money into the rescue fund but will be one of the co-signers on a loan if the fund wants to borrow money to increase its size.  Some ideas don't need any comment.  This is one of them.

The next thing we notice is how the market is responding. (In real life.)

1.  Greek 2-year notes are at 69.7% because investors "concluded" default is inevitable.

2.  Investors worry that the 440 Billion Euro Bailout is Insufficient.

3.  Heavy Bank Investment Resulted in a Heavy Bank-Stock Drop.

"Money is not a substitute for management."--Slim Fairview

Investors invest to make profits.  Not to mitigate losses.  Leveraging the stability fund is analogous to margin buying immediately prior to the crash of '29.

Robert Burns surely knew what he was writing about.  He must have been writing about the EuroCrats.

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

At some point in time, the EuroCrats must realise that the process is not working.  Thus, Change the Process.  However, at some point in time, the Greeks must realise that the process is not working.  When that happens, the resentment and not the debt crisis will spread to Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain et. al.

You cannot see growth in Greece if you make every effort to impede growth and keep the Greek people shackled to poverty by keeping the Greek people shackled to poverty programmes.

That you cannot predict the future is not a proper rebuff to the one who tells you to "get off the tracks, the train is coming".--Slim Fairview

Bon Chance.



Copyright (c) Slim Fairview


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