Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Antigone Defeats Merkel

Antigone Defeats Merkel

To understand the results of the Greek Election—OXI—we must understand the potency of the story of Antigone written circa 440 B.C. by Sophocles.  Briefly,

Antigone, a young woman in Thebes was the beloved niece of the King, Creon.  Antigone’s brothers get into a brawl and die. Creon orders that Eteocles be buried with honour while the body of Polynices be left to rot and forbids anyone to bury him.  In defiance of this order, Antigone buries her brother, is caught, and is sentenced to death. This shows that no one is above the law.

Flash forward about 1.500 years. In 1944, France is under NAZI occupation. Jean Anouilh resurrects the story of Antigone.  Before it can be performed, however, it must be submitted to the NAZI censors for approval.  The NAZI censors read the manuscript and say, “Good. This will show the people what happens to those who defy authority.”

The French people, however—the occupied French—see the play and understand. “If this young woman can risk her life, and indeed sacrifice her life, to do what is right in defiance of a brutal and unjust authority, then we can…."

Hence, the esprit de corps of the French Resistance Movement is embodied in Antigone.

The closer to the Vote on the Referendum, the more frantic the threats became.  After the Vote—OXI—the response is to punish Greece.

Santayana said, “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”

Slim Fairview said, “Those who never learned history are doomed—Period!”

Remember what Humphrey Bogart said to Captain Renault in Casablanca. "Louis, are you pro Vichy or Free French?"

Today, "Are you Pro Merkel or Free Greece?"

Before Merkel, Germany, and the ECB decide to punish Greece, I urge them and others to heed this admonition.

“If you take revenge on the People of Greece, the People of the Emerging Nations of the World will remember.”

Warmest regards,


On the Emerging Nations Global Economic Crisis.

Copyright © 2015. Bob Asken
All rights reserved.


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