Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Does the US Have a Strategic Plan?

Does the US Have as Strategy?

I am not talking about a Military Strategy. I am not talking about a Diplomatic Strategy.  I am talking about a strategic plan.  The same plan a business would have if it intended to stay in business.  This, then, begs the question, “Does Europe have a strategy?  Does China?

Bill Clinton had it Half Right

Bill Clinton said, “Government is the store and the American people are the customers.”  Clinton had it half right.  (All right, he had it half wrong.)

Government is the store.  The American people are the owners.  The Government Leaders are the employees.  They work for and with the owners, but they are employees.  They don’t own the store. They only run the store. 

Back to Business

Does the US have a strategic plan?  Well, no. 
The US is experiencing revenue loss, rising expenses, increased competition, loss of market share, internal management problems, yet we have no strategic plan and no indication that anyone cares. 

The unusual factor in all this, where the country differs from a business, is that the owners and the workers are one and the same. 

Some stakeholders have a larger stake in the company.  Some stakeholders put in more sweat-equity. Still, the analogy holds.

The Problems

  • We put together a committee to come up with a solution to revenue loss and rising costs
  • We tried to create a group insurance plan to cover all the stakeholders.
  • We rely on foreign suppliers to cut costs.
  • We borrowed money to hoping to have a capital investment plan to increase revenue.
  • We have an employee drug-dependency problem and no programme to deal with it.
  • The managers are stealing from the company.
  • The stakeholders are losing money.
  • The company is throwing good money after bad.

However, we are not the only ones.

Does Europe Have a Strategic Plan?

"European Union is less of a Union and more of a Tontine."

“The Last Economy Standing Takes All.” 

Slim Fairview 

The Quotations of Slim Fairview.

  • Europe suffered loss of revenue and increased costs of operation.
  • Europe laid off workers to cut costs.
  • Europe borrowed money to pay workers their severance.
  • Europe is borrowing against capital to pay operating costs.
  • Europe has no capital investment programme.
  • Stakeholders who own a greater share in the company are lending money to the company to pay bills.
  • Europe is hiring cheap outside labour to cut operating costs.
  • Europe repeats the process.

Does China Have as Strategic Plan?

  • China’s stakeholders contribute to a Capital Investment Programme.
  • China has a profit sharing programme that gave 40% of its stakeholders a larger share in the company.
  • China created an inventory to meet increasing production needs.
  • China invested in suppliers who became customers.
  • China ignored the advice of others.
  • Chinese stakeholders deferred profits to cut costs to become more competitive.
  • China does not “invest in” but rather implements technology.

Can we solve our problems?

Well, yes, but....

Sincerest regards,


Copyright © 2013 Bob Asken
All rights reserved.

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