Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tim Cook's Algorithm

The Decision Making Algorithm 

Tim Cook has two choices.

1.  Comply

2. Defy

If he complies, the legal case is rendered moot.

If Cook Defies, there are two outcomes.

The Court rules for Mr. Cook

The Court rules against Mr. Cook.

If the Court rules against Mr. Cook he may:

Claim the moral high ground,
Blame he FBI
Blame the Court
Claim he did everything to protect the privacy of customers from Government Intrusion
Fail to keep the encryption private.

If the Court rules in favour of Mr. Cook, Mr. Cook may

Claim victory,
Trigger action by Congress that will have a negative long-term impact.
Provide a Market Penetration and Ad Campaign opportunity for his competitors.


We will protect our customers' privacy against Government Intrusion.

We will protect our Customers from Terrorist Attack

Will expose the Apple Brand to irreparable harm if a terrorist attack is facilitated by Apple Encryption.

Will invite other nations to promote their National Brand Phone Company and trigger nationalism by its citizens.

A terrorist attack in other nations will be blamed on Apple and on the US.

Look at the history Rights v. Security.

Efforts to legislate security measures were thwarted by those who claimed the efforts would have a chilling effect on our Civil Liberties.

9/11 The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


Body scanners and strip searches at airports.

The Citizens' Response?

"Well, it is an intrusion into our civil liberties, but if it keeps us safe....."

The new normal?  Body Scanners and Strip Searches and Public Concession.

Tim Cook is in a lose lose situation.  

I understand the problem.

If I keep it quiet, the word will get out and I will lose street cred.
If I go public, I will have broad based public support and come out a hero.

The entire paradigm surrounding the Apple v. FBI is not new. It is old. The same rhetoric was applied time and time again with the same results, time and time again.

Einstein: The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Welcome to our National Insanity.

Warmest regards,


Copyright (c) 2016 Bob Asken
All rights reserved.

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