Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Obama's Win!

Obama’s Win

Can you see it now—the President’s handling of foreign affairs?

Let’s start with President Obama’s handling of Libya.  

Some of the criticism was unfounded. The President (as with many of his predecessors) was criticised for playing the world’s policeman and insisting that he allow allies to shoulder some of the burden.  Subsequent to which, in Slim Fairview style, he says, “Okay.” And proceeds to allow our NATO Allies should some of the burden.

The Critics, criticise the President for leading from behind.


I’ve stated before, “The military option is no longer viable.”  I also stated, “The economic zero-sum game isn’t going to work anymore.”  And, “Putin is engaged in an Economic Theatre of Operation.”

President Obama

In short, The President knows, never take a sucker bet.

To understand this, we must look to the European Economic Crisis, the dissolution of the southern country’s economies, and The Chancellor’s efforts to draw The Ukraine and other Eastern Bloc nations into the EuroUnion. 

Let’s be honest.  Deficit spending in Southern Europe fuels the German economy and The Chancellor’s economic war machine.  With the Southern economies virtually desolate, Merkel needs Eastern Europe to fuel the German economy.

Merkel’s strategy is too obvious for words:  Keep the German Economy strong until the global economy turns around, and then declare victory for her strategies and her tenure.

Merkelism: An economic system based on the fear that someone somewhere is earning a living.”

President Obama knows that President Putin is engaged in Economic Warfare. Hence, the U.S. led sanctions against Russia is economic warfare.  Also, The Chancellor and her economic supply lines are cut off.

The President Knows…

  • Restraint:  Never take a sucker bet.
  • Prudence: Never talk into a trap.
  • Patience:  Let your opponent make the first move.

If numbers two and three don’t sound familiar, then watch The Seven Samurai.  Twice.

I also posted, on LinkedIn, ”Economic self-interest will play a role in resolving the many problems currently manifesting themselves in the Middle East.  Economic Self-Interest.  That appears to have come into play.

What might be some of President Obama’s Prognostications?

  • Sanctions against Russia may impede an oil deal with cash-strapped Iran.
  • China can afford to delay a Nat/Gas deal with Russia.
  • Russia’s concerns over The Ukraine may cut off Russian Aid to Syria.
  • Economic Sanctions will diminish the potency of a Euro-Economic recovery.

The President

  • Let our allies participate
  • Refused to be goaded into taking a sucker bet.
  • Refused to be goaded into revealing strategy.
  • Refused to walk into a trap.
  • Displayed the wisdom of letting his opponents make the first move.

There is hope…..

Warmest regards,


Copyright © 2014   Robert Asken as Slim Fairview
All Rights Reserved.

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