Friday, August 26, 2011

Opie and the Dead Bird

Opie and the Dead Bird

There may well be some spirited debate over whether our culture is being maligned from without or eroding from within.  Case in point.  Television.

I remember when it was called the boob tube. Ironically, it was not.  Today, however, is a topic for another discussion.

The maligned television of the 50’s and 60’s was rather good.  Take, for example, The Andy Griffith Show.  The show was a situation comedy, but had touching and instructive episodes.  Not preachy.  The difference between management and Leadership.  Case in point:  Opie and the Dead Bird.

Real short and to the point.

Opie gets a slingshot.

Andy tells him to be careful.  It’s not a toy.  You can hurt somebody with that thing.

Opie promises.

However, for some reason, Opie shoots a bird.

Aunt Bea is horrified.  She sends Opie to his room to wait for his father.

When Andy comes home, little Opie is sitting on the bed near the window, his legs dangling over the edge.

“You sore at me, Paw?”

“No.  I’m not sore at you.  I’m disappointed is what I am.”

“Am I gonna get a whoopin’?”

“No.  You’re not gonna get a whoopin’.  You hear them birds out there a chirpin’?”

Opie nods.

“Those are the baby birds in their nest.  They’re chirping because they’re hungry and waiting for their Momma to come home and feed them.  But their Momma’s not comin’ home because of what you did.  Now I want you to set here a spell and listen to those baby birds chirpin for their Momma and think about what you did.”

This was powerful stuff back then.  It’s powerful stuff today.  Teaching not preaching.  This is the television that has been maligned.

But, wait.  There’s more.  But not today.



Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

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