Saturday, August 6, 2011

Side Street Journal 6 August 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
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Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
And I thought I was making a joke. WSJ: Strategies for Taking Advantage of the Downturn.

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WSJ: ECB Bond Hopes Give Euro A Lift. Okay, everybody, let's all get together & hope 4 the same thing at the same time, & fix this economy.

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WSJ: ICE 2 shut down market for US emissions Trading. [They had market 4 pollution trading?] In the soot market, smog was up 2% ......

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Walter, we're very impressed with your extensive resume. However, we're looking for a news anchor with a sales and marketing background.

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Hey! I like that quip. "Things are so bad, brokers are checking the number of ice cubes in their martinis."

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Markets up .01% HOORAY! Markets off .01% THE SKY IS FALLING. Things are so bad, brokers are counting the # of ice cubes in their martinis.

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WSJ: Asian Shares Plunge; Europe Skids. [And We're not doing so well either.] I sure feel better knowing the experts are working on this.

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WSJ: Criminal Mortgage Probes Fizzle Out. I never heard of The Criminal Mortgage Company. Did we miss something?

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US efforts to oust Pharmaceutical Head Fails. Let's see...First the US Approves the Drug, then it punishes the company for selling it.

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Why don't we teach children to read the way we used to teach children to read. You remember? Back when children learned to read.!

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Teachers were never the problem in American Education. Not until Education Reform became fashionable. Maybe the reformers are the problem!

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Turkey Embraces 21st Century. Positions itself 2B Dominant Fixture in Global Affairs. Oops. I forgot. People ignore me. Don't Ignore Turkey

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Turkey Ends Censorship Plan. Will provide Child & Family Filtres 4 users. I told you Turkey become increasingly more influential in region.

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@katydjenkins Thank you for the follow. Please check out and follow & Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Advice to men & women in Thailand's Business Community:… Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Congratulations 2 Thailand's new Prime Minister. Unwritten Rules: What Women Need 2 Know About Leading In Today's Organizations--Lynn Harris

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Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Santayana. "Those who never learned history are doomed--period! " Slim Fairview

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TURKEY HALTS ARMS SHIPMENTS TO SYRIA. I told you Turkey is a major influence in Regional Affairs. Ignore me, okay. BUT DO NOT IGNORE TURKEY!

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Is there a Greek Chamber of Commerce whose members are concerned with helping Greek Businesses grow? Just Curious.

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EuroBankers focus on Italy, Spain bonds. What plan--oops, I mean projects, do they have 2 involve capital investment, ROI, increased demand?

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Italy is cutting debt. Yeah, okay. Now, where does it say, Italy launches economic development efforts? Oops!

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EuroCrats Won't Solve any problems until they solve the problem of Economic Development Projects. Forget Plans. Start Projects.

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In US Education, all solutions focus on all aspects except students. In EuroCrisis all solutions involve everything except econ development

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An economic twist. Eastern European Nations contributed 2 the fund needed 2 bailout Western European nations. Capitalism works--sometimes.

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EuroBankers may buy Italy / Spain Bonds. Or, Maybe not. Why do the EuroCrats keep coming up with bits and pieces solutions? Irish Bonds???

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WSJ: China cannot bail out the world economy for 2nd time. [op. cit. 2008] Didn't global bailouts used to be our job? No anymore, huh? Slim

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Today's Reading List: How to profit from Total Global Economic Collapse! [At least the author will be making money.]

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World Economy in Bad Shape. Why are we not all working together to solve the global crisis? Slim

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4 IMMED. RELEASE! Senator Bilgewater announces new education reforms! On Capitol Hill, I am the biggest pimple on the behind!

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EuroCrats mount frantic [JOINT EFFORT] 2 [SHOW] they're tackling debt crisis. I can now conclude they've been reading my blog. Thanks. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Read The diane_berard Daily today's top stories via @ledevoir…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have posted monographs on China, the Middle East & Europe. Here: INDIA…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have posted monographs on China, the Middle East & Europe. Here: INDIA…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have posted monographs on China, the Middle East & Europe. Here: INDIA…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
I have posted monographs on China, the Middle East & Europe. Here: INDIA…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
People on the internet waste a lot of effort Googling me when they can simply email me. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
GOOGLE Search: [india global influence] Results? 11,100,000 # 3 ?… THANK YOU, GOOGLE. Invitation to all. Join in. Slim

PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you’ve found anything I said to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.

Sincerest regards,


Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

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