Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Side Street Journal 3 August 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
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Editor’s Note:  You are playing football in the park.  You hurt yourself.  Your friends take you to the doctor.  The doctor walks into the examining room and asks, “What seems to be the problem?”

You say, “I was in the park playing football and I hurt myself.”

The Doctor says, “Let’s have a look.”

You say, “Wait a minute doctor. Do you play football?”

He says, “No.  I’m too busy with my medicine.”

You ask, “Did you play football in school?”

“No,” he says, “I was a member of the chess club.”

You respond, “How can you examine me when you never played football?  I want to be examined by a doctor who played football.”

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Brazil plans tax cuts to help manufacturing. Now why didn't we think of that? Thank you, Brazil, for visiting my Blogs. sincerely, Slim

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WSJ: Italy Braces for Bond-Market Storm. & Greek Debt, & Irish Bonds, also Portugal, Spain...ever think of working together on a solution?

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Hey EuroCrats, Please see below on Debt Deal. Thank you. [Hint: You mean someone besides me noticed the lack of economic development?] Slim

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WSJ: Debt Deal no good because it's based on phony growth projections. You mean someone besides me noticed the lack of economic development?

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EuroBankers. Do we move toward solving the problems or move toward, cutting out losses and invest elsewhere? Uh, there is no elsewhere!

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To the EuroCrats: Back to Square 1. The solution must be comprehensive; the solution must include economic development. But you know that.

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EuroBanks Retreat. Tossing someone overboard isn't going to stop your boat from sinking.

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Service Sector includes Rosy the Riveter & Rosy the--may I super-size that 4 you, Sir? Why Don't I have confidence in the analysts?

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WSJ: Service Sector--Retail to Construction to Transportation--should take centre stage: Maybe they aren't going into enough detail.

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Brazil, Italy, and Japan visited Thank you. Slim

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Companies Sue Law Firms over temp lawyers. Be honest. You just knew that was going to happen, didn't you? Slim

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Defence Cuts? Defence cuts! Ralph Nader said cut military in half because cold war was over. That was almost 25 years ago. Yeah, okay.

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US Biz Execs Must be desperate for global strategies.… Global Management: A shift in the Paradigm of Corporate America

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Global Markets must really have people concerned. They are hitting on my… G20 in Good Times and Bad. Sincerely, Slim

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@BigRooAustralia Thanks 4 the follow. Please visit & (?) follow & Thank you, Roo. Sincerely, Slim

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Nouns don't solve problems. Verbs solve problems.

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WSJ: Syria Opposition meets with Clinton. Uh, isn't somebody missing from the meeting?

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World Markets Down. If everybody is worse off, nobody is worse off. No one seems 2 have an edge on others. Isn't that too bad. Work Together

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Congress: Let's all go on vacation while FAA employees are furloughed without pay. [Motion by Senator Odious Bilgewater] Thank you, Senator

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WSJ: Economic Fears Hit GLOBAL markets. If we are all in the same boat....why are we not all working together? Slim

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Form follows function. If you can't sit in it, it's not a chair.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Read The diane_berard Daily on…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@seattletimes Thank you for the follow. Please visit & (?) follow & Thanks again. Slim

PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger.

If you’ve found anything I said to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.

Sincerest regards,


Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

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