Thursday, August 25, 2011

Side Street Journal 25 August 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
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Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Thank you, Brazil for Googling Me. What is Brazil Reading?… Thank you, again, Brazil. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Firms Face Hurdles Overseas. Well now,… Global Management: Shift in the paradigm of corporate America. It's a start

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Ukraine's' future is with the European Union. Well....yes and no... Slim

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WSJ: China Moves Closer 2 Accepting new Libya Regime. Then again, China never needed 2 read my blogs. The US does. Slim

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WSJ: QATAR 2 REAP REWARDS FROM AID TO LIBYA REBELS. Then, again, Qatar never need to read my blogs. The US does. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: China Naval Pow4er Draws U.S. Notice. Well, Finally! Doesn't anyone in Washington read their blog?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@NCBizNetworking Yeah, but will Boeing ever be able to build them? That is the question.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
God is punishing us. We griped about the Advertising Industry, so he inflicted us with the Marketing Industry to punish us for complaining.

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EuroZone Outlook Bad. US Outlook Bad. Lookout, somebody might actually try to do something to fix things.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@adriennecarter @zerohedge Wow! Warren Beatty is your Uncle?

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WSJ: France Predicts Fire going Out. Plan: cut off oxygen to get fire going. Which is the real news? The WSJ or Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@capflowwatch All right. You've changed my mind. I will be running for President. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Michigan rules pot can't be sold through private businesses. Now that the Gov. is taking over the pot industry, sales will surely decline.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Michigan rules pot can't be sold through private businesses. That spoils a few business plans.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Aussi Faces Charges he used union credit card to pay 4 escort services. No wonder Miller wants 2 buy Fosters. Another Shrimp on the Barbie?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@capflowwatch I am guessing you've been reading my blogs. Too bad the EuroCrats don't read my blogs. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
US Report on Chinese Navy concludes China wants 2 extend its influence. & we pay these analysts 2 tell us this? Pay me, I charge much less.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Congressional Budget Office Cheerfully Predicted High Unemployment & Large Deficits 4 a decade. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview… Nuclear Power has lost its lustre but not its glow!

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After Quake FEDS check to see if NUKE Plant hit with more shock than it can handle. But it was built to withstand any foreseeable disaster!

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Nokia unveils 3 smart-phones. Reiterates commitment to OS despite plans 4 MS software. Uh oh! Reiterating its commitment?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Dutch Bans Sale of Phones saying they violate an Apple Patent. Now I am going to assume the Dutch believe in fair play. Slim

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FEDS ask AT&T why it needs to buy T-Mobile when it could achieve same objectives in-house at a lower cost. (I wondered about that myself.)

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Illegal Document Shredding at SEC. The internal watchdog is conducting—oh, never mind.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@venatrix @AddThis How about the brightest person in the room? On Management: à bientôt, Slim [Mince] ;-)

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To The EuroCrats: Don't bother reading my blog [hint: ] Everyone always doesn't listen to me. Slim

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WSJ: ECB is Cracking up. Borrowing up from the Emergency Piggy Bank. How Old World. The EuroCrats are gallantly going down with the ship.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Which reminds me. I am looking 4 an agent to sell or a producer to buy my screenplay. It's up on Amazon. Thank you.

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Yesterday's Junk Bond Bonanza has finally fizzled. Buyouts make take a hit. Anyone want to buy me out. I'll finance....;-) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
SEC wants data on Fracking 4 natural gas. Uh oh! The EPA is one thing, but the SEC? Now we have a problem.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
US, Euro Mkts up. Asian mkts down. Yesterday, Asia mkts up, US & Euro Down. Tomorrow, US & Euro Down, Asia up. Quick, Call an expert!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Gold had an amazing run. How did the Canadians make out with the options investments? Anyone? Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Add France to the visitors to (Why then are the EuroCrats having such a problem?) ;-) Welcome, thank you, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Germany visited Welcome, Thank you, Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Turkey, Brazil, Germany, India, Jordan, Philippines, UK, Netherlands, Russia visited Welcome Thank you. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@capflowwatch I already said, I am not running. But thank you for the flattering suggestion. (Or did I misunderstand?) Slim

Sincerest regards,


PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger. If you’ve found anything I said to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.



RR #2
Route 390
Cresco, PA 18326

Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

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