Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Side Street Journal 23 August 2011

Commentary on Global Political and Economic Events by Slim Fairview
Please also see also http://slimviews.blogspot.com  Please do click the follow button for The Journal--and please email a link to your friends.  Thank you.


Armed only with an analytical mind and the ability to speak in metaphors, I attempt to explain the events of the day as I view them through the magic glasses my parents gave me over 50 years ago. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Prediction in India--economic downturn. Suggestion: Watch Europe. Don't do that. Regards, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Teaching Kids to wash hands cuts sick days. How old fashioned. My parents taught me that over 50 years ago.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@WashingTina Cook your way through Julia Child. It worked for Julie Powell. (Or should I wait for after 12 to post that?) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
H-P Needs to Evolve, CEO says. Okay...did you line up customers for this new software you intend to sell?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Posted: who visited my blogs. Now: who should: Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium slimviews.blogspot.com & sidestreetjournal.blogspot.com

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@SWrightBoucher @budtoboss But it spoils the surprise when you finally do succeed. [Or, In my case: I succeeded? Surprise!] ;-) Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@bankervision "Committees Never Solve Problems. If you disagree, I shall refute you with one word. Congress." [Quotations of Slim Fairview]

bankervision James Gardner
by Slimfairview
bit.ly/p80wbB <- Crowds tend to average and aggregate. They don't select for genius or for stupid.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Please see "To EuroCrats" below. Two different tweets, two different monographs. Thank you. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
To: EuroCrats. Repeat after me: OUR PLAN IS NOT WORKING. LET'S MEET (v.) 2 WORK (v.) ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & GROWTH. slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/eurocr…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
To: EuroCrats. Repeat after me: OUR PLAN IS NOT WORKING. LET'S MEET (v.) 2 WORK (v.) ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & GROWTH. slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/eurocr…

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Greece: Big difference between asking citizens to make sacrifices 4 a better tomorrow & suffering 4 the failed strategies of yesterday.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
There is a big difference between trying a solution that ends up not working, and continuing with a solution that you know doesn't work!

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Something old, Some thing new: I'm no expert but....apparently neither are the people working on the EuroCrisis.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
As the EuroCrisis gets worse, I must ask, Do you get your advice from American Politicians, or American Talk Show Television?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
To the EuroCrats: Call me a flawed human being, but I suspect that the plan you have for Greece is not working.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Austerity Measures imposed on Greece by the EuroCrats extends Greek Recession into fourth year. So that was the plan. [ Pitiful! ] Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Greek Austerity Measures having a negative impact on the economy. But, that plan was developed by experts.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Germany--Obvious Slowdown in Economy. Is it uncertainty over handling of the EuroCrisis? Or Certainty over handling of the EuroCrisis?

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: Bargain Hunters scrounging among lean pickings in stocks looking for profit opportunities. EZ. Buy Low, Sell High. Have fun.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
S&P Parent McGraw Hill shopping around for someone to write a book and a novel about the whole thing--Revenue Enhancement. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
@LynnHarris No doubt they've been reading Unwritten Rules by Lynn Harris. Slim

LynnHarris LynnHarris
by Slimfairview
Britain's biggest companies double the number of women recruited to their boards in the past six months. fb.me/11VSwFxGE

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Please see Libya 2.0 below. Now, The Failure of Western Diplomacy in the Middle East 3.0 [okay, 2.9 Happy now?] slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/05/failur… Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
Libya 2.0 ??? Honestly. I told you that months ago. slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/04/fallac… Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: NB How does Libyan Success Affect Syria. Wrong take on the situation. t.co/kQhYX93

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
WSJ: NB How does Libyan Success Affect Syria. Wrong take on the situation. How does it affect Arab Leaders Approach to Syria.

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
"WSJ: Arab Spring gives way to Uncertain Autumn. Uh, guys, you missed Summer. It gets hot during Summer. Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
India, Sweden, El Salvador, Croatia, Norway, South Africa, all visitors to t.co/NAQfvR9 Thank you. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
El Salvador Visits t.co/NAQfvR9 Thank you. Welcome. Sincerely, Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
EuroCrisis Analogy: t.co/ZLUhutB Slim

Slimfairview Slim Fairview
EuroCrisis: Hocus Pocus--Focus! slimviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/eurocr… Slim

Sincerest regards,


PS.  I am not Paul Harvey.  However, I am open to becoming a paid commentator, columnist, or blogger. If you’ve found anything I said to be helpful, please don’t hesitate to send me one of those tricked-out laptops and to tuck a few dollars into the envelope along with the thank you note.



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Route 390
Cresco, PA 18326

Copyright © 2011 Slim Fairview

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